Marijuana ea boithabisolekhethoation ke e 'ngoe ealitaba tse matla ka ho fetesisa tsa leanoUS Hajoale, linaha tse 21 li kentse tšebetsong molao oa ho etsa molao le ho lefa lekhetho thekisong ea matekoane a boithabiso: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia le Washington.
Selemong se fetileng, bakhethi ba Missouri le Maryland ba amohetsemehato ea likhethoho etsa hore matekoane a ithabise ka molao.Mehato ea likhetho ea ho lumella matekoane ka molao e ile ea hloleha selemong se fetileng Arkansas, North Dakota le Dakota Boroa.
Selemong se fetileng, linaha tse 'maloa li ile tsa kenya tšebetsong' maraka oa molao oa cannabis, 'me linaha tse ling li ikemiselitse ho bula mebaraka selemong se tlang.Rhode Island, moo thekiso ea molao e qalileng ka la 1 Tšitoe 2022, e sebelisitse karolo ea 10 lekholonglekhetho la thepamabapi le theko ea mabenkele, 'me mebuso ea lehae e lumelletsoe ho lefisa lekhetho le eketsehileng la 3 lekholong thekisong ea mabenkele.New York e boetse e qalile thekiso ea molao ka December kamora ts'ebetso e telele ea ho theha lits'ebetso tsa taolo le laesense kamora ho ngolisoa ka molao ka 2021.
Missouri e qalile thekiso ea molao ea li-cannabis tsa boithabiso ka Hlakola, nako e ka tlase ho likhoeli tse 'ne kamora mehato ea eona e atlehileng ea ho vouta.Khoeling ea pele, thekiso ea molao ea cannabis e ile ea feta $ 100 milione, e beha lebelo ho feta $ 1 bilione likhoeling tse 12 tsa pele.
Virginia le Maryland li fetisitse molao oa ho tsamaisa 'maraka oa ho itlosa bolutu oa matekoane' me linaha ka bobeli li reretsoe ho qala thekiso ea molao ka la 1 Phupu. Liphesente tse 9, leha ho le joalo ts'ebetsong ea ho qetela ea molao e ntse e emetse.
Seboka se Akaretsang sa Delaware se amohetse likoloto tse tla ngolisa matekoane ka molao le ho lefisa batho ba baholo ba sebelisang matekoane bakeng sa selemo sa bobeli se latellanang.Likoloto tsena li tla leba ho 'Musisi John Carney (D), ea ileng a hana molao o tšoanang oa matekoane selemong se fetileng.
'Mapa o latelang o totobatsa leano la lekhetho la naha mabapi le matekoane a boithabiso.
Limmaraka tsa matekoane li sebetsa tlas'a moralo o ikhethileng oa molao.Ka kakaretso, matekoane a khetholloa e le ntho ea Schedule I tlas'a Molao oa Lintho Tse Laolehileng, e etsang hore sethethefatsi se be molaong ho se sebelisa, ho lema, kapa ho se abela batho.Linaha ka bomong tse ngolisitseng tšebeliso le kabo ka molao ha li qobelle lithibelo tsa federal.
Har'a liphello tse ngata tse hlahisoang ke sena, 'maraka o mong le o mong oa naha o fetoha silo.Lihlahisoa tsa matekoane ha li khone ho tšela meeli ea naha, kahoo ts'ebetso eohle (ho tloha peo ho ea ho mosi) e tlameha ho etsahala ka har'a meeli ea naha.Boemo bona bo sa tloaelehang, hammoho le bocha ba ho ngolisoa ka molao, bo hlahisitse mefuta e mengata eameralo ea lekhetho.
Naha | Sekhahla sa Lekhetho |
Alaska | $50/oz.lipalesa tse hōlileng; |
$25/oz.lipalesa tse sa hōlang; | |
$15/oz.fokotsa, $1 klone ka 'ngoe | |
Arizona | 16% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
California | 15% ea lekhetho la thepa (e lefisoang ka kakaretso ka sekhahla sa 'maraka); |
$9.65/oz.lipalesa & $2.87/oz.siea lekhetho la temo; | |
$1.35/oz semela se secha sa cannabis | |
Colorado | 15% ea lekhetho la thepa (e lefisoang ka kakaretso ka sekhahla sa 'maraka); |
15% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) | |
3% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) | |
Connecticut | $0,00625 ka milligram ea THC ka thepa ea limela |
$0.0275 ka milligram ea THC linthong tse jeoang | |
$0.09 ka milligram ea THC lihlahisoa tse sa jeoang | |
Illinois | 7% ea lekhetho la thepa ea boleng boemong ba kakaretso; |
Lekhetho la 10% la lipalesa tsa cannabis kapa lihlahisoa tse nang le tlase ho 35% THC; | |
Lekhetho la 20% ho lihlahisoa tse kentsoeng ka cannabis, joalo ka lihlahisoa tse jeoang; | |
Lekhetho la 25% sehlahisoa sefe kapa sefe se nang le mahloriso a THC ho feta 35% | |
Maine | 10% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso); |
$335/lb.palesa; | |
$94/lb.fokotsa; | |
$ 1.5 ka semela se sa hōlang kapa sethopo; | |
$0.3 ka peo | |
Maryland (a) | Ho Ikemisetsoa |
Massachusetts | 10.75% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
Michigan | 10% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
Missouri | 6% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
Montana | 20% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
Nevada | 15% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko e nepahetseng ea 'maraka ka kakaretso); |
10% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) | |
New Jersey | Ho fihlela ho $ 10 ka ounce, haeba theko e tloaelehileng ea thekiso ea cannabis e ka sebelisoang e ne e le $ 350 kapa ho feta; |
ho fihlela ho $ 30 ka ounce, haeba theko e tloaelehileng ea thekiso ea cannabis e ka sebelisoang e ne e le ka tlase ho $350 empa bonyane $250; | |
ho fihlela ho $40 ka ounce, haeba theko e tloaelehileng ea thekiso ea cannabis e ka sebelisoang e ne e le ka tlase ho $250 empa bonyane $200; | |
ho fihlela ho $ 60 ka ounce, haeba theko e tloaelehileng ea thekiso ea cannabis e ka sebelisoang e ne e le ka tlase ho $200. | |
New Mexico | 12% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
New York (a) | $0.005 ka milligram ea THC ka lipalesa |
$0.008 ka milligram ea THC ka concentrates | |
$0.03 ka milligram ea THC linthong tse jeoang | |
13% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) | |
Oregon | 17% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
Rhode Island | 10% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
Moroetsana (a) | 21% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
Vermont | 14% ea lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
Washington | 37% lekhetho la thepa (theko ea thekiso) |
(a) Ho tloha ka Mmesa 2023, thekiso ea matekoane ea boithabiso ha e so qale. Tlhokomeliso: Maryland, Seboka se Akaretsang sa naha se fetisitse bili e tla kenya tšebetsong sekhahla sa liperesente tse 9.Bakhethi ba Setereke sa Columbia ba lumelletse ho ngolisoa ka molao le ho reka matekoane ka 2014 empa molao oa koporasi o thibela ketso efe kapa efe ea ho e sebelisa.Ka selemo sa 2018, lekhotla la molao la New Hampshire le ile la khetha ho ngolisa matekoane ka molao, empa thekiso ha e lumelloe.Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, le Tennessee li qobella lekhetho la lintho tse laoloang ho reka lihlahisoa tse seng molaong.Linaha tse 'maloa li lefisa lekhetho la lehae hammoho le kakaretsolekhetho la thekisoes lihlahisoa tsa matekoane.Tseo ha lia kenyeletsoa mona. Mehloli: Melao ea naha;Lekhetho la Bloomberg. |
Bongata ba mekhoa e etsa hore ho bapisa liapole le liapole ho be thata.New York le Connecticut e bile linaha tsa pele tsa ho kenya ts'ebetsong lekhetho le thehiloeng ho potency ka milligram ea THC.Linaha tse ngata li lefisa aad valoremlekhetho la theko ea thekiso ea thekiso ea li-cannabis, leha litaba tsa THC li bohlokoa haholo molemong oa lekhetho.Tsenaad valoremlitefiso tsa lekhetho li tloha ho liperesente tse 6 ho la Missouri ho isa ho liperesente tse 37 Washington.Litheko tsa thekiso ea matekoane li ntse li fetoha, li theoha haholo ha nako e ntse e feta ha liketane tsa phepelo li ntse li eketsa tlhahiso.Sena se thehile mohloli o sa tsitsang oa lekhetho bakeng sa linaha tse sebetsangad valoremmakhetho, ka ho eketsehileng fana ka maikutlo a hore e itsengmotheo oa lekhethod ka boima ba sehlahisoa sa lipalesa le litaba tsa THC linthong tse jeoang kapa tse tsepamisitsoeng li ka fana ka sebopeho se sebetsang sa lekhetho.
Ho ntse ho e-na le lintho tse ngata tse sa tsejoeng ha ho tluoa tabeng ea lekhetho la matekoane a boithabiso, empa ha linaha tse ngata li bula 'maraka oa molao 'me ho etsoa lipatlisiso tse ngata ho utloisisa bokantle ba tšebeliso, lintlha tse ngata li tla ba teng.Themoraloea makhetho ana le eona e tla ba ea bohlokoa le ho feta ha molao oa koporasi o batla ho fetola 'maraka oa cannabis ka makhetho a eketsehileng a mmuso le ho kenyelletsa khoebo ea linaha tse ling.
Nako ea poso: Jun-17-2023